Wednesday, February 10, 2010

She need fight no longer.

Kate passed away this morning (7:15 a.m. 2/10/2010) after battling cancer for the last five years. Her family and I thank you all for your continued support. It was her request that gifts in her honor (instead of flowers) be given to the Pitt Memorial Family Medicine Center Bldg Fund at:

ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation
Family Medicine Center Bldg Fund
ADI Bldg, 525 Moye Blvd
Greenville NC 27834

As memorial and burial plans are finalized we will make another post.


  1. So so so sad to hear of this loss. Kati was an amazing individual. May you rest in peace and suffer no more pain. All the Best, Andrea (Briggs) Logan and Family.

  2. Rest in peace, Kati...I will always remember your wonderful smile and beautiful presence. My continued prayers are extended to the Bray and Strickland families. May you all have peace and understanding during this trying time.

  3. I don't know you, but you still have my sincerest condolences and all my love.

  4. I am deeply saddened by the News of Katies passing. I will always remember her as a kind and gentle spirit with a smile that could grab your heart. Please accept my deepest sympathies for you and the Bray family.
    Jeff Mayo

  5. David - I checked the blog early this morning (around 3:30) for reasons I can't explain . . .We were so truly sorry to hear a few hours ago that Kati has passed. Please know that you have many, many people in Virginia praying for you and the family. May God's perservering grace and peace dwell in you from this point forward, and carry you all through the difficult time ahead - Jen Williams

  6. I am so sorry for your loss of Kati. She will remain in our memories forever as the most amazing and bright physician and collegue. What a loss to your family, society, medicine and humanity.

  7. I was so sad and tearfull, and i am still.... It so difficult for me, mike, and julia to accept the fact. Her beautiful and lovely wedding dancing will be in our memory forever.
    Be strong! Dr. Bray, we will be around you and support you.
    Qing, Julia, and Maciej

  8. Dawn Robinson-LittleFebruary 10, 2010 at 7:46 PM

    I am so very sorry. We all loved Katherine. With her awesome, big heart, her compassion for others and her courage, we couldn't help but love her.

    The Bray and Strickland families are embraced in my heart and prayers.

    Dawn Robinson-Little
    Generalist Program

  9. Josie,
    I can't believe that I came home to read this, although I know you and your family knew she would be leaving soon. I am thinking of you and love you so much.

  10. Though I didn't have the priviledge of knowing Kati, I followed her battle for a short time, as a concerned friend of hers rallied support with his many viewers on his webcomic, and I feel sincerely touched by both his concern for her, and for her battle with cancer, this brought a tear to my eye, and I wish the best for her family and friends, stay strong.

  11. I'm coming from Mookie's comic Dominic Deegan.

    SO although I have no idea who this lady was, let me express my sympathies to anybody who loved and cared for her. Celebrate her life to fullest.

  12. As Neal said, another DD reader. Mookie posted about the lady once in a while, good and bad times alike.

    Sad to hear. T_T

  13. I, too, am over from Mookie's site. I have been following this blog for only two months, but I feel very sad and sorry for your loss. Remember Kati's strengths and her smile. We all honour her braveness. Thank you, also, for keeping this blog, as it has helped me with my own grief from losing loved ones. Life may keep going on, but we never forget and never stop loving.

    Love and peace.


  14. You have my condolences.

  15. My thoughts and prayers are with you today. I lost a loved one to cancer several years ago, and I understand what the family is going through ... it hurts to lose someone who was such an important part of your life, but on the other hand you know that she's not suffering anymore.

    Take care, and take comfort in the loved ones you still have.

    -Ed Gedeon

  16. I'm also coming from Mookie's site. You and your family have my deepest condolences. She sounded like such a wonderful person. It might not mean anything, but here's a quote from Tolkien that could help.
    "Death is just another journey, one that we all must take. The gray rain curtain of this world rolls aside, and all turns to silver glass. And then you see it: white shores, and beyond, a far green country into a swift sunrise."

    I'm sure she's there, laughing and dancing and waiting for all of you.

  17. My deepest condolences for your loss... although I do not know you or your family, I saw updates from time to time on Mookie's Dominic Deegan website and when I saw today's update it just broke my heart that cancer has taken yet another bright and beautiful person... please always remember the good times you had with Kati during the time she was with you, and remember her smile; she will always be there with you in loving memories...

  18. All heil KATI!!!

    as Mookie said:


    we are sorry for your loss, although we dont know each other, we give you our prayers and good will to you.

    May she rest in peace headbanging in the metal heaven!

  19. I, too, am here because of the words of a young artist. I, too, saw updates on the site about Kati, and I offer my deepest condolences to this family.

    Cancer tears apart more than just the person suffering it. It hurts families, too... and I only hope that her family will be alright, because this young woman is right now probably looking down from Heaven with a glass in her hand, toasting those she loved.


  20. from the oracle i came
    with tears for your loss
    and praise for the fight
    fought through the years
    my thoughts are with you
    love and hugs...


  21. We don't know each other, but I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Hang in there - we're all praying for you and yours.

  22. May the soul rest in peace, and may the Godesses ease the pain.
    - Sonia Phoenixia

    I believe this quote is summation of my feelings. May those who love her know that she is now in a far happier place.

  23. Unfortunately, I did not have the privelege of knowing Katherine very well. But I feel as if I know her just from listening to Dr Bray speak about her in the funny, sad and interesting stiories she would tell us. She will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with Katherine's family and friends during this difficult time. Love Always, Lynne Wardle

  24. Josie and family,
    Our deepest condolences to you and your family. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting your sister, Michael kept us updated. You have our love and support.
    Linda Terracciano

  25. May the the calling of ravens and the howling of wolves herald her into the hall of the ages. Allfather guide her home.

  26. I may not have known her but I feel your loss. My prayers go up for her rest and happiness.

    Blessed Be

  27. I'm coming here, as many others have, from Mookie's Dominic Deegan website. I have lost loved ones too, and I am so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and sympathies are with you, so hang in there.

    To Kate: May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest, and may the sun shine brightly for you in heaven.

  28. Hi, I have been following this blog as Mookie posted it on his comments.

    I'm sorry for your loss, but there will be joy and happiness after some time, and you'll remember her as happy and bright as she still is on Heavens.


  29. I've come here from Mookie's site and wish to give my condolences. I lost my grandmother to cancer and know how sad this can be. I will pray for her and for those she left behind. Her courage will be remembered.

  30. May the spirits guide you to the light, young one.

    Father Waldhaus.

  31. (just another Mookie´s DD reader - sorry for some mistypes, not English-writting native)

    My condolences to both families. I feel the same as you, my mother passed away 7 months ago, she died 3 weeks after the cancer was found - luckly she didn't suffer.


  32. I also offer my condolences, such strength and willpower will be greatly missed, when i first heard about katie it was also from Mookie, though that day i lost someone, reading her words and hearing her stories helped lift my heart, please remeber that though she is no longer in this plane she will always be here with you, may the allfather guide her and accept her where she rightfully deserves. Stay strong, and never forget her Glory that shone as bright as the sun.

    Shyla Zimmer.

  33. Another of Mookie's regulars. I'm so sorry for your loss. <3

  34. I'm another fervent reader of Mookie's work. I'm sorry for your loss. She seemed like an inspiring and strong-willed young lady. She is surely watching over you right now. May her soul be in peace and joy. Amen.

  35. I'm very sorry for your loss, my condolences

  36. Our prayers for Katie and her family and friends continue. She will be remembered at the 'All Souls Saturday Liturgies' this month at St. John Baptizer in La Mesa CA.
    Kimberly Hartman

  37. She will be remembered fondly and missed dearly. My condolences to all those affected by her loss, and may your days brighten at the thought of Kati at rest.

  38. I have never met you in person. I found myself revisting this site for any updates frequently. You and her were so strong, such amazing individuals throughout this whole thing, and this I could tell only from blog entries. Your courage is amazing and you're in my prayers.

  39. I came in from Mookie's site, Im sad to say I never knew her, but my condolences go out to her family. May she rest in peace

  40. I also came from Mookie's, If I had known I would have implimented the ideals of my religion. May you rest in peace, the people who knew you will allways be blessed by your memory.

  41. We cannot express our sadness in words. May our memory comfort those you left behind.
    Eddie & Rita

  42. Paul and Emily,

    We are awed by the amount of Kati's personality that comes through in all the comments on the blog! It helps us to know her through those who loved her. Our hearts go out to you at this time of unimaginable loss. Susan and Michael Mosher
